[pianotech] Historic temperaments and modern scaling

KeyKat88 at aol.com KeyKat88 at aol.com
Sun Jul 25 14:35:05 MDT 2010

       Does anyone have any thoughts on tuning a historic temperament on a 
modern scaled pianos? When historic temps are tuned in a modern piano, is it 
the string's nodes that cause a difference in the sound of the tuning as 
compared to an older scale design?
       Inside old uprights I see things such as: 1888 patented scale. It's 
a reminder to me that a historic tuning will probably sound better on this 
one than a newer piano. What temperaments are best on old uprights like this? 
Certainly not a Valotti, this temp would be too old. Right? What 
temperaments were being tuned say c. 1900? 
      Have Yamahas and Steinways been rescaled for E.T.?...or have these 
makers kept the old scaling for those that prefer historic tunings? 
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