[pianotech] freak of nature

Bruce Browning - The Piano Tuner justpianos at our.net.au
Wed Jul 28 00:44:03 MDT 2010

How about this theory.
The bridge is made using numeric control technology.
The wrong program was used to make this bridge, hence incorrect placement
of pins in this case, but may have been correct on a different model

>>I think you're giving them way too much credit. It's extremely
>>unlikely that someone thoughtful enough to consider pin placement to
>>keep the bridge from splitting was mindless enough to ignore the
>>notching. I'd say it was inaccurately copied from something else,
>>with no understanding whatsoever of the reasoning behind it, which
>>came from the builder of the badly copied example and was almost
>>certainly what Joe said.
> Ron, that does have a more logical ring to it than my theory, doesn't it?

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