[pianotech] Moving a Butterfly Grand Piano

Gordon pnotnr at aol.com
Wed Jul 28 09:52:15 MDT 2010

 How about building a padded caul?  I have not done this, but maybe making a pattern (like one you make when ordering a cover)  would give you the profile for a building a caul that could then be attached to a skid board?

I did move a butterfly grand once.  I didn't know it was a butterfly until I got to the move.  Since it was just a cross town move,  we simply folded and rolled a bunch of moving blankets like a jelly roll and filled the space between the skid and tail.

Hope that helps

Gordon Large, RPT




-----Original Message-----
From: John Dorr <a440 at bresnan.net>
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Sent: Wed, Jul 28, 2010 11:14 am
Subject: [pianotech] Moving a Butterfly Grand Piano

Hi list, 
How the heck does one create a crate for shipping a Butterfly Grand Piano?  I'm supposed to go look at one this afternoon with an eye to that.  I'm tempted to just refer it to the transport company! 
It doesn't have a "long side" like the usual grand piano.  The only "long" side is the keyboard side, but it's not flat enough/wide enough it seems to me. 
Anybody have any experience or even inexperienced thoughts on this? 
Thanks in advance, 
John Dorr, RPT 
Helena, MT 

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