[pianotech] tightening balance hole was Bouncing Bostons

Ryan Sowers tunerryan at gmail.com
Sat Jul 31 11:49:54 MDT 2010

I've used thin super glue, and I think it is too hard.The margin of error
for easing the keys is very small: the tiniest amount of looseness can make
them noisy. That's my concern with hide glue as well - it's almost glass
hard when it cures.

Elmer's glue remains slightly more flexible than yellow wood glue when it
dries, so I think that's why it is appropriate in this application. Plus
it's non-toxic!

Bill Smith (who made the Golden Hammer Award for many years) presented a
class on glues several years ago. He emphasized that Elmer's glue is "good
glue". He put together some small blocks of wood, and then put them in a
baggie with some water for a day. You could see that the glue line had
become "milky" but nobody was able to pull them apart.

Ryan Sowers, RPT
Puget Sound Chapter
Olympia, WA
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