[pianotech] tightening balance hole was Bouncing Bostons

David Skolnik davidskolnik at optonline.net
Sat Jul 31 14:08:28 MDT 2010

Two additional steps that I sometimes feel are appropriate are:
1) swabbing hole with alcohol (to break surface tension resistance to 
absorbing glue sizing
2) steam (when hole is more significantly enlarged).  Care would be 
needed to avoid affecting balance bushing

David Skolnik

At 10:41 AM 7/31/2010, you wrote:
>Dean May wrote:
>>Would you share your protocol, Ron? When I've done it I thinned the glue 50%
>>with water and just swabbed the hole. Then eased them after they thoroughly
>>dried. It seemed to work okay.
>That's pretty much it. Nothing magic or proprietary. If the holes 
>are extra sloppy, I don't thin it.
>Ron N

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