[pianotech] Tuning with distractions

Conrad Hoffsommer choffsommer at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 2 04:00:04 MST 2010

> Forget about the birds.
> 1) How about a retirement home with the piano in the hallway and in the
> next room, 
> 2) The home has a "great room" setup, the piano is in the living room,
> the grandparents are at the dining room table talking up a blue streak
> as well as on the phone

> 3) Oh, yes, and then there was the extreme noises - and - harmonics -
> from an old combo air conditioner / furnace. The motors' loud buzz, the
> duct work ticking, you know the drill. This one even had fluttering
> shutters.
> 4) Last be not least, very low ceiling fans that - can't - be turned off
> (otherwise the lights go out) - causing vibrato effects of the notes.
> Good thing I had my Cybertuner - otherwise ........... 
> -- 
> Duaine Hechler

5.) High school hallway between cafeteria and gym where basketball was being played. Sneaker squeaks, ball bouncing and cafechatter/crashing are an interesting combo. - Ditto Cybertuner.

6.) Pre-Cybertuner days at John Denver Deaf Camp stage. Acrosonic on stage with J.D. music blaring over loudspeakers [deaf camp, remember].  Draped two moving blankets over piano and myself. Someone, somewhere probably has that picture... ;-{
Conrad - Semi-Retired P.T.

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