[pianotech] London Piano Mfg

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Sat Jan 8 15:06:17 MST 2011

At 13:46 -0800 08/01/2011, Stan Ragnes wrote:

>Yesterday, I was asked to tune and repair an older piano...It was 
>made in London and retailed in A R Findlay's music store located on 
>110 West Nile Street, Glasco, Scotland.  It was lovingly brought 
>over to the US by my client's parents who had had it restrung, 
>repinned and replaced a few dampers.
>To perform a tuning, the dampers must be removed.  They rest on top 
>of the action and are engaged when the key goes up and pushes a 
>damper rod located above the action.

To tune an overdamper piano you just get yourself a Papps wedge. 
Most tuners in England use a Papps wedge for the underdamped pianos 
too.  Nobody removes the dampers!


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