[pianotech] Piano topic

Encore Pianos encorepianos at metrocast.net
Mon Oct 24 16:38:12 MDT 2011

HI David:  

I think it was me, and it was a lot longer than a month ago.  I can't find
my copy either.  But I would still like to ask the question.   I thought I
remembered seeing a post by you some time ago, whereby you have a laminated
cap of established thickness, and you want to set bearing to particular
values.  Since the horizontally laminated caps don't lend themselves to
planing in the fashion you would a quartered solid cap, what is your process
where you are planing the  top of theroot to set bearing, and then gluing on
the cap, ending up with a combination of the cap and the root thickness
where you arrive at the the bridge height that gives you the bearing you
want?  I don't need bearing values, but a description of your process.

Will Truitt

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf
Of David Love
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 5:19 PM
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Subject: [pianotech] Piano topic

I know this is a bit off topic (it's about pianos) but somebody posted a
comment or questions about a month or so ago about putting on laminated caps
and then setting the bridge height by planing the bottom of the bridge.
Anyone have that original posting.  Don't know if it wasn't a sidebar to
another subject.  I drafted a response but didn't attach it to anything and
forgot about it until just now.  

David Love

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