Removing Hammer Staples

Robert B Edwardsen
Wed Oct 22 02:37 MDT 1997

        How do the hammers sound/project with and without the staples?
Listening to the difference would probably tell you alot.  also, how heavy
is the action?  Maybe you need new whippens with helper springs rather than
compromising the integrity of the hammers' design.

At 08:58 PM 10/21/97 GMT, you wrote:
>I have been following the advice of two reputable rebuilders over the last
>few years. One is a well known consultant on hammer/key weight and the other
>is equally respected  on voicing.  One says "remove the staples and felt from
>lower shoulders", the other says "don't remove staples, just trim wieght off
>the mouldings and taper the shanks."
>On my last installation of Abel hammers on a S&S D, I removed the staples and
>removed felt in the lower shoulders.  I had done this many times with Renner
>but this time I consulted with the distributor of Abels because, unlike
>Renner,  Abel does't make hammers without staples.
>The Abel distributor told me that the staples (or "gels" as he referred to
>them) were not installed to make sure the felt did not come loose from the
>moulding. Abel evidently believes that the staples are there to add support
>to the lower shoulders to enhance projection of the tone.
>I did remove almost 5 grams of downwieght on the Abels by just removing the
>staples and have had no voicing problems or hammer felt coming loose.
>What's the consensus on the purpose of staples in hammers and whether or not
>they should be removed?
>Lorlin Barber
>ISU Music Hall
Rob Edwardsen, RPT
21 Courtenay Circle
Pittsford, NY 14534-2101

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