Removing Hammer Staples

Baldwin Yamaha Piano Centre
Thu Oct 23 16:00 MDT 1997

Guy, Karen, and Tor Nichols wrote:
> At 08:58 PM 10/21/97 GMT, you wrote:
> >What's the consensus on the purpose of staples in hammers and whether or not
> >they should be removed?
> >
> >Lorlin Barber
> >ISU Music Hall
> >
> Lorlin, (welcome to the odd names club),
>         I once had a hammer manufacturer tell me that the staples were there for
> the sole purpose of meeting institutional bid specifications. Could be
> right? I've never noticed much of a tonal difference between those with,
> and those without. Even out here in the drydrydrydry desert, de-lamination
> is not a common problem with modern hammers.
> Guy Nichols, RPT
> @Las Cruces Symphony
> @El Paso Symphony (sometimes, they have a new budget person who the
> production manager will kill off here shortly and they can get back to
> buying our services instead of the "underbid at all costs" butcher, who
> after the last session a few years ago, got the D to a point where it had
> to be shipped back to S&S.)
> @and 'ragular' folks, too
Greetings Guy,
                I think you are right, I was once told by the factory
personel at Baldwin, that the only reason for wiring grand hammmers was
for sales reasons. Superior to crude staples or T rivets, and the same
as S & S  The truth is that modern glues do the job, it is also
questionable that a staple would do very much if the glue failed. My
personal hypothesis is that  they are detrimental owing to the fact that
the staple tends to bunch up felt and alter the internal stresses with
in the hammer, but I may be out to lunch on that one.
Regards Roger Jolly

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