University Tech position

Carl F.
Tue Oct 13 09:39 MDT 1998

Hi everyone,

(To the home office: can you please post this job opening in
the upcoming journal?)

I'm resigning my post at the University of Nevada, Las
Vegas. Due to shoulder problems, I'm no longer able to tune

This position should fill quickly, so get your applications
in quickly.  To request an application, write or email:

James D. Stivers, Assistant Chair, Music Dept.
4505 Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89154-5025

I'll list a few of the reasons you may want this job:

•69 pianos (17 are new Yamaha loan pianos)

•Approximately $8000 per year for parts, tools, conventions, etc.

•3 weeks sick and 3 weeks vacation yearly

•paid in full retirement plan

•One heck of an awesome boss (Thank you Jim, It's been great
working for you for the past ten years)

•a stress free job in fast growing, low tax, high
entertainment, nice climate, cool university, your own shop
with a lot of nice rebuilding tools and who could ask for
anything more?

peace and joy to all,

Carl Fischer
Las Vegas, NV

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