Baldwin D

Avery Todd atodd@UH.EDU
Mon Oct 26 15:38 MST 1998


   Here we go again with the price thing. Sorry. But the reason I'm asking
is that I'm considering trying to get the music dept. to buy this 1972
Baldwin D that is going to be coming up for sale by an individual. We still
need another 9' to put in a large rehearsal room for concerto rehearsals,
etc. I've had to move one in twice this semester already. Even a 7' doesn't
really have enough power against a full orchestra.
   I brought the action in today to do some reconditioning and will be
doing regulating and voicing. The piano is in excellent shape physically
and has had relatively light use for its age. The knuckles and backchecks
are not really worn much and the hammers are not badly gooved. The feel is
a 'little' heavy but there is also a good bit of friction in the pinning
(which I will also be doing). It also has a tremendous bass! I did a quick
pitch raise tuning today and the pins feel fine. For this purpose, it seems
to me to be an ideal solution to our need "IF" I can get them to let loose
of the money. :-)
   I just talked to the dealer here and he said that a new one 'can' be
bought for app. $45,000 so a decent price for this one would probably be in
the $20-$25,000 range. He wants to 'downsize', so I might even be able to
get it cheaper. I imagine he's going to have trouble selling it, so he might
be more than willing to come down some just to get it sold.
   Does this sound about right to those of you more involved in piano sales
than I am? Any comments/opinions welcome. Thanks.


Avery Todd, RPT
Moores School of Music
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-4893

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