Hammer Thanks

Dave Swartz, RPT dms2000@majesticpiano.com
Tue Oct 27 21:37 MST 1998

Thanks list for your comments and input.  My initial thought was that every
2 years would be the norm taking into consideration the amount of play. 
Fortunately the hammers are still resilient and produce a beautiful tonal
quality.  The faculty loves what the instrument has become since new
hammers and high-end voicing/regulating, etc.  I've suggested less play for
this particular piano, but I believe in vain.  We have a twin sister "D" in
our major concert hall that gets played maybe 1/4 the time.  This piano
still has the factory hammers and aren't really worn (manufactured 1982). 
I've been preparing them (their budget planning) for keybushing (last time
I installed highest quality leather) and shanks/hammers.  I'll probably do
this next summer.  I'm also pitching for new backchecks as well.  Balance
rail holes still in great shape but will suggest that in a couple more
years as well.  Thanks again...it's nice to be in the presence of

Dave Swartz, RPT
Northwestern College, Roseville, MN

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