name of grand piano part

Conrad Hoffsommer
Fri Apr 9 04:29 MDT 1999

Bill Shull,
At 23:08 4/8/99 EDT, you wrote:

>With my one year of high school German and a recent class in German

I've had all of one semester in college, and have since constantly proven
the saying that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

>Have you developed this into a chart of nomenclature which I could hang on 
>the shop wall?  I would be interested.... 

No, all I have is a mug with the engraving
-The only thing I have left from my former residence ;-{ 

Sorry, no sales in KC this year. I'll be doing Italian fabric research for
an upscale (would that be top octave?) flamesuit line.  A beach on the
Italian Riviera should be a good venue, doncha tink?

Conrad Hoffsommer - Music Technician
Luther College				(319)-387-1204
Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045

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- Ravi Shankar

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