Ben Truhoft <> Benjamin Treuhaft <> Give him a shout at 212-505-3173, New York City. Newton Ron Torrella wrote: > > Alright, y'all. > > I have a copy of said video. I'll auction it off to the highest > bidder.. :-) > > But seriously. I bought a copy of "Tuning With the Enemy" and > another video titled "Sonata for the Left Hand" from Ben Treuhaft at > KC. He didn't have many copies, though. And, you know, I can't even > remember exacly how much the video was because I just wrote him a > check for $85 and it covered the two videos and a tee-shirt (Send a > Piana to Havana). In any case, if he has any left, I'll be Ben would > be glad to sell them. If he doesn't have them, perhaps we can see > about renting the video around, proceeds to go directly to Send a > Piana to Havana. > > The last email address I have for Ben is Benjamin Treuhaft > <>. > > -- > Ron Torrella, RPT > Piano Technician > University of Michigan "Dese are de conditions dat > prevail." > School of Music --Jimmy > Durante > 734/764-6207 (office/shop) > 734/763-5097 (fax) > 734/572-7663 (home) >
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