At 07:14 PM 9/2/99 -0500, you wrote: >List, > > One of my outside customers just purchased a new artist bench through me. >When I delivered it, she offered me the original bench which came with her C-3. >Since we're always short of benches (aren't all universities?) :-) , I >accepted. Now, >the question. > It's in beautiful condition, except for having that awful white leather >(?) top which >Yamaha used back in the 70's. First, is it leather? Second, does anyone >know of >an easy way to dye the top. Or would it be more effective to just replace >with black >material. > Besides this 'new' grand bench, we also have several of the same type >vertical >benches. > Any experienced "dyers" out there? Thanks. > >Avery > Corner a black Nauga and let nature, and the upholsterer, take it's/his/her course (stand back). Really, though, it can't be that tough. Do it yourself. Live a little. If you survive, you'll have stories to tell, and a black bench pad. Ron N
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