This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ---------------------- multipart/mixed attachment Newton Hunt wrote: > The question is not how high, but why? Agreed. As far as safety goes, Michael Mohr told me that Steinway has been known to chip their pianos to A447. It's not a question of whether the piano can take it. But why are some orchestras tuning to a higher pitch? I cynically wonder they are looking for a special effect when playing against the A440 chimes and xylophone. Is there a good reason? It would be interesting to survey the group for the various reasons/claims that orchestra personnel have given for tuning to a higher pitch. John Baird, RPT Decatur, Illinois ---------------------- multipart/mixed attachment A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: jbaird.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 130 bytes Desc: Card for John Baird Url : ---------------------- multipart/mixed attachment--
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