Here's an irony for y'all. I got this in the emailbox today (apparently written before he left for the day, yesterday, then mailed this morning when he arrived). Shipps is a violinist on the faculty. Wonder how he measured the pitch! -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: Studio tunings... Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:32:12 -0400 From: "Stephen B. Shipps" <> To: Ron Torrella <> Hi Ron: Monday am the 20th would be a good time as I won't be in until 10.30. If you tell me, I can be gone longer. Also Wednesday am, 22nd is ok. Friday the 23rd in the morning is also ok. Let me know what's good for you. Steve Shipps PS I like my piano at 442. Over the summer it has jumped to 444, just for your information. SS
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