There was a Romanian violinist here (actually at Syracuse University) that was trained in Romania to be able to break down each semitone into 6 parts. With that kind of ear training hearing 444 wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. It will be interesting to find out if this guy knows what he's talking about. Let us know, Rob Edwardsen UofR Ron Torrella wrote: > Here's an irony for y'all. I got this in the emailbox today (apparently written before he > left for the day, yesterday, then mailed this morning when he arrived). Shipps is a > violinist on the faculty. Wonder how he measured the pitch! > > -------- Original Message -------- > Subject: Re: Studio tunings... > Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:32:12 -0400 > From: "Stephen B. Shipps" <> > To: Ron Torrella <> > > Hi Ron: Monday am the 20th would be a good time as I won't be in until > 10.30. If you tell me, I can be gone longer. Also Wednesday am, 22nd is > ok. Friday the 23rd in the morning is also ok. Let me know what's good > for you. Steve Shipps > > PS I like my piano at 442. Over the summer it has jumped to 444, just for > your information. SS
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