At 10:30 AM 09/17/1999 -0800, you wrote: >> >> Damp or dry heat? (ie. damp rag under warm iron on top of key) >> >> Ron Torrella, RPT > > >' Learned at NBSIS to use a brown paper bag and warm iron. It has >worked well for me. You need to warm it long enough to not split the >ivory and not so long as too get a scorched smell. > >Donnie Byrd, RPT > Steam probably would tend to curl the ivory, not desirable. A piece of brown paper bag is a good buffer between the iron and the ivory. If any big chunks of wood break out of the key, glue them back in with CA. Putty all nicks which are deeper than planing depth, This way once they are planed, you have a smooth surface. A good weekend project. Jon Page, Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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