At 12:33 PM 9/17/99 -0400, you wrote: >On Fri, 17 Sep 1999, Jon Page wrote: > >> At 08:33 AM 9/17/99 -0400, you wrote: >> >Anyone have a quick and painless (for the ivory) method of removing ivory >> >keytops for re-use on another keyboard? >> > ) > >Damp or dry heat? (ie. damp rag under warm iron on top of key) > >Ron Torrella, RPT > > Ron, I have used a damp cloth and iron with great success. They will just about fall off, given the right amount of both. I use damp (read wet) strips of old terry cloth towel and the iron set on 'cotton' (some experimentation on your part is in order here). When they first come off is the best time to clean any glue left on them , they're wet already. Some people have suggested clamping the removed ivories flat til they are dry, but I have not found this necessary, yet. You will be clamping them down to reapply, anyway. Unless they curl real badly there is little chance that you will crack them whe you reapply. Ken Jankura
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