Ed, I've laminated a number of bentsides using West System Epoxy (slow cure). It has shown absolutely no signs of creep or failure of any kind. I like it because it will fill any gaps that might occurr. The urea-formaldyhyde glue will work fine also as long as there are no gaps. I believe most piano manufacturers use this glue for their rim laminating. Hide glue has a historically proven track record as well. Tightbond or other yellow glues are not recommended because they will creep. Eric At 05:28 PM 9/27/99 -1300, you wrote: >Dear List: > I'm preparing to laminate a bentside for a harpsichord. I'm uncertain >as to what kind of glue to use. It will need a rather long open time to be >spread on the surfaces. When dry it shouldn't creep under tension. I use hot >glue for action work, but have never used it for projects where it needed to be >modified to stay open long. I've seen yellow glue fail under constant tension. > Just to add to the fun, the job is scheduled for next week, but could >be delayed if I can't get the glue in time. > Perhaps some people on the list have some comparable glue experiences >and can help with ideas. > Thank you. > Ed Sutton > musutton@alpha.nlu.edu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eric Wolfley, RPT Head Piano Technician College Conservatory of Music University of Cincinnati ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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