---------- > From: musutton@alpha.nlu.edu > To: caut@ptg.org > Cc: musutton@alpha.nlu.edu > Subject: Glue for laminating a bentside > Date: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 1:28 AM > > Dear List: > I'm preparing to laminate a bentside for a harpsichord. I'm uncertain > as to what kind of glue to use. It will need a rather long open time to be > spread on the surfaces. > Ed Sutton > musutton@alpha.nlu.edu There is a glue by Weldwood, "plastic resin" I believe is the name. It is a powder and mixed with water forms a thin brown liquid. Smells 'sweet". Must be clamped with good pressure. Dried rock hard and is absolutly stronger than the wood itself. I haven't seen it in stores lately, it used to come in 8 oz cans like stains and paints. The working time I believe is at least 5 minutes. If you need non creep, long working time, and very easy spreading with brush, this is a glue to check out.---ric
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