
Scott Thile
Thu Apr 13 15:13 MDT 2000

Hi Don and list....

This kind of bugs me, and here is why:

It is in OUR best interest as CAUTs, and therefor the Guild's best interest
to get this out into the hands of anyone and everyone who is interested in
institutional maintenance!  It's not THAT expensive to publish this thing
to start with.  I was surprised when I had to buy copies.  I think we
should be sending these things out for free at best or at least at cost to
any institution or CAUT who is interested, let alone making it available on
the web at absolutely no cost to the Home Office!  Organizations like ours
should not by trying to raise money to the extent that they have to
withhold valuable information that would benefit their dues paying members
if it were more widely distributed.

I'm sorry folks, but if this document is not useful at all unless it is
completely accessible to all CAUTs and institutional administrators.....
This is NOT a guild fundraiser!

Do you think those of us who have been charged with re-writing the
guidelines should have to buy it too???

OK, sorry...  I'll get down off of my soapbox.  This has been bugging me
ever since I wanted to have a copy for our chair and music office staff and
had to buy them!  It's not like we're asking to be paid to write the thing!


At 01:46 PM 4/13/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Scott, Bill and List,
>The Home Office does not like the idea of posting the Guidelines on the
>CAUT Website. It is a matter of economics. I can understand their
>argument and I am not inclined to do battle over it.
>Bill Shull recommends that we do a sales pitch for the Guidelines on the
>website. Most definitely so IMHO. Also, when the review and revision of
>the Guidelines is complete, I hope to have a database template of the
>formula available on the site for download. The database will not have
>any information on how to use the variables. One will have to purchase
>the Guidelines to make it useful.
>I could use a little help from someone out there in regard to this
>database. It would be best to have the database made as a stand alone
>application. This would allow one to open it without the need for a
>specific program. One way this can be accomplished is to find someone
>with programing skills who can build the application in Mac and Windows
>formats. This could get expensive if we cannot find a volunteer and
>would have to pay for the service. Another way is to create a stand
>alone for both formats using FileMaker Pro 5.0 Developers Edition. If
>anyone out there has this program please contact me. I have already made
>the database in FileMaker 3.0. If I understand the promos for Developers
>correctly, it would be a simple matter to convert to stand alone. At
>this time I do not have the spare money to purchase Developers. I am
>trying to get the school to purchase it but so far no success.
>Don McKechnie
>Ithaca College
Scott E. Thile, RPT
Piano - Instrument Technician
Murray State University, Murray, KY
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