Removing Let-Off Buttons

Christopher D. Purdy
Thu Feb 10 13:13 MST 2000

I find that when I run the let off screw all the way out to remove the
button and then all the way back in for the new one, the screw get loose in
the rail.  Usually I am doing this on a Steinway and I am afraid to get let
off screws too loose.  I don't like repairing those action rails.  Does
anyone else find this to be a problem?  I hold the screw with a tool and
take the buttons off by hand.  It's a pain in the butt, and in the hand,
but I don't want to loosen those rails any more than I have too.


-Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T.   School of Music  Ohio University  Athens OH   (740) 593-1656    fax# (740) 593-1429

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