college course about piano

Newton Hunt
Wed Feb 16 07:17 MST 2000

Paul Kupelian wrote:
> Newton, Newton, Newton!
>  I could not stand idly by while you cast aspersions on my good friend's
> software versions.  Afterall, think of the myriad of technicians who
> don't even know DOS from Windows or Wordperfect from Word.
> Besides, he probably has it on a 5 1/2" floppy, so you probably wouldn't
> be able to read it anyway. (:>
> Regards,
> Paul

Hi Paul,

I wasn't casting asparagus at no one, too messy.

I have a copy of DOS 3.0, WP 4.0, 123 the original, and I have a vast
library of 5 1/2" floppies gathering dust somewhere.  I also have a 5
1/2" drive installed in my ancient 586 166 which I am using right now.

My first computer was an Apple II+ which I loved.  Second was an IBM
8086, an Epson 386 kluge at the university, a 486 100, this 586 166 and
I bought a Sony VAIO 505F P-266 3 pound laptop for my daughter who is
off to college this coming fall.

Gimme a disk and I can read it.

I really look forward to the course material.


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