Registration Deadline

Allan L. Gilreath, RPT
Mon Jun 12 06:31 MDT 2000

Hello Everyone,

Well, today's the day.  Deadline for early registration for the 2000
Convention and Institute is about to slip by.  If you haven't already done
so, call or fax the home office and get it taken care of.

We had hoped to have a large set of articles to you already but you'll have
to take my word for it that you will enjoy them when you receive your May
and June Journals.

My Scottish blood couldn't let a opportunity to save money go by without
making a little noise about it.

Looking forward to seeing very many of you in Arlington,

Allan L. Gilreath, RPT
Assistant Director - TEAM2000
July 5-9, 2000 - Arlington, VA
Director: Dale Probst, RPT
Assistant Directors: Laura Olsen, RPT - Allan Gilreath, RPT - Gary Neie,
RPT - Vince Mrykalo, RPT

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