Hi Fred, I prefer parafine wax, dirt will not stick to it so readily, and it stays where you put it, and will not dry out so easily. roger At 12:28 PM 29/06/00 -0600, you wrote: >List, > I've just dressed a capo preparatory to restring, and am about to apply >Prolube to it, with the idea it will ritard rusting/corrosion, cause >strings to render better, and slow the production of grooves (less >abrasion). I don't actually know whether Prolube will accomplish this, >for how long, or whether there might be a better substance for the >purpose. > Any opinions out there? (I mean on this particular topic. I know there >are plenty of opinions, and that Newton will tell me silicone oil is the >only way to go - to eternal damnation, that is. ;-) > >Fred Sturm >University of New Mexico > Roger Jolly Saskatoon, Canada. 306-665-0213 Fax 652-0505
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