loan programs

Fred Sturm
Fri Oct 13 12:16 MDT 2000

I'll just answer a portion: there can be moving fees, and sometimes
additional fees associated with a loan program. It is a matter for
negotiation. Much depends on the local dealer. The manufacturers
(Baldwin, Kawai, and Yamaha are the ones I know about) underwrite some
of the cost, I think mostly by offering good terms on loans to the
dealer (low or no interest for a period of time). But the actual
agreement is between a dealer and a department/college/university. So
even with the same manufacturer, the terms will vary.
Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico wrote:
> To:  University technicians
>      Re: University program under which a dealer loans a University pianos
> for a year culminating with a sale of the instruments on campus.
>     My questions are:    Are there any usage fees or moving costs charged to
> the University by the Dealer?   Which manufacturer has the best program?
> Thanks for your responses.
> Mary Schwendeman

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