HT help

Avery Todd atodd@UH.EDU
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 15:45:11 -0600


Just out of curiosity, have you tried Owen's offsets for BB's temperament?


>I don't know if you were around during the "nailing down" of the 
>EBVT, but there was a similar problem of tweaking the tuning, 
>customizing the tuning to each piano...... a moving target that was 
>impossible to get a fix on.  I ended up calling what Mr. Bremmer 
>does as a tuning style, as opposed to a fixed temperament.  I would 
>guess if the testing involved equal beating intervals, then 
>depending on the inharmonicity of the piano, you could be led to a 
>different tuning, based on some of those tests.
>Can you get a message to the other RPT?
>Ron Koval
>Concordia U.

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