Thu, 24 Apr 2003 10:41:58 EDT

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In a message dated 4/24/03 9:15:41 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> How old is your building?  Our's is from the late sixties and one of 
> the main problems we have to face is the lack of a vapor barrier in 
> the walls and roof.  Our windows are also not insulated so cranking 
> up the humidity would cause the windows to freeze up, etc.
> chris
> -- 
> Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T.

Our building is only 14 years old. But, as is common for university 
construction, the low bid got the job. And you know what that means. Not only 
that, but this, and several other buildings around us, are build on a swamp. 
There is an active spring in the elevator shaft. You can hear the water 
running. One part of the roof has leaked since the building was built. 
Several of the teaching studios in the same end of the   building have a mold 
problems, as do some of the practice rooms. The windows in all of the 
teaching studios and practice rooms are sealed. The classroom windows can be 
opened. We have not had a condensation problem on the windows in cold 
weather, but maybe that's because there is no humidity in the building during 
the winter. 

I'm keeping my finger crossed. As I said, the university is willing to spend 
capital funds to improve the situation. With all of the other budgetary 
problems this state has, let's hope they keep their word. 


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