Re. HVAC systems (Jim Ellis)
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 23:43:36 EDT

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In a message dated 4/24/03 8:59:15 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> The problem I have is with your 50% RH +/- 2.5%.  You just "ain't" going to
> get that where you are in Tuscaloosa, Alabama without going to all sorts of
> extreme measures.  That part of Alabama is a little hotter and more humid
> in summer than here in east Tennessee, but the variations aren't all that
> different.


Actually Jim, I know that trying to get the humidity to stay within 2.5% of 
50% is going to almost impossible. But if I didn't ask for 2.5%, and told 
them 10%, they would settle for 30% and tell me to shut up. This way, maybe 
they'll try for 10% and ask me if I can be happy with that. I'll smile and 
say yes.


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