melting plastic SOT
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 19:56:53 -0400

Dear Wim and all,

  Probably the easiest way to understand the question is to recall that
there are many kinds of plastics, and they don't all behave the same way.

  Here's more detail: Keytops are basically acrylic, which is a plastic
formulation containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The oxygen molecule is
very attractive to electrons (negative charges), and the resulting plastic
has its electrical charges unevenly distributed, more electrons near the
oxygen molecules. 

  High-density polyethylene (recycling label #2) is used to make chemical
storage bottles. HDPE is made up only of carbon and hydrogen and has its
electrical charges evenly distributed over its whole area.  

  Acetone, because it is made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, has
uneven distribution of its electrical charges. It readily dissolves (mixes
with) other unevenly charged compounds, such as acrylics (keytops) but is
repelled by and does not mix with evenly charged compounds, such as HDPE
(container bottles).

  That's the story.

  Best wishes,

  Dorrie Bell
  Ph.D., Physical-Organic Chemistry, Brandeis University
  Associate Member, PTG

Original Message:
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 12:08:10 EDT
Subject: melting plastic SOT

Melting Plastic, SOT, (Slightly Off Topic.)

For hammer juice, I use acetone and keytops. I keep this solution in a 
plastic bottle.

I'm no chemist, so how come the acetone dissolves the plastic keytops, but 
doesn't  dissolve the plastic bottle in which it is kept?


PS. Before I get blasted for using this stuff in the first place. please be 
assured I use it very sparingly only on Steinway hammers when I voice.
Steinway hammers are first given a liberal dose of lacquer and lacquer 
thinner, as per factory specification. I don't use any kind of juice on
hammers. (I keep the lacquer mixture in a plastic bottle too, (a mustard 
bottle), and it doesn't dissolve either.)

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