
Mary Smith
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 12:46:34 -0500

Hi Alan,

Zuckermann sells clavichord kits and the supplies with which to work 
on them. Their contact e-mail is: Steve is a very nice 
and knowledgeable fellow, who has helped me out on harpsichord 
questions on more than one occasion. Good luck.


>Hi folks,
>I have a client who asked me to work on her clavichord. Does anyone know of
>a good source of information on these instruments? This one was made for her
>by one of her former students and has a number of problems like misaligned
>and misshapen tangents. I have done internet searches and looked in Schaff
>etc catalogs, but found very little information on tuning, regulation or
>repair of them.
>Alan McCoy
>caut list info:


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