Schimmel piano sound

Isaac OLEG
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 09:07:56 +0200

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It is the kind of brilliance they are after, it is acceptable when a lot of
low shoulder power (resilience) is present, while it goes in the way of
having a tone that articulate very well.
Some like it as a "ready to play tone" I believe the delay before unison
stabilization is very short giving that lot of energy immediately.

Change hammers as soon they don't provide enough power.
On the over hand these instruments are very robust and last longer than some
under heavy use.

They had in the 70' some models with very slow and heavy actions.

Best Regards

Isaac OLEG

Entretien et réparation de pianos.

17 rue de Choisy
94400 VITRY sur SEINE
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  -----Message d'origine-----
  De : []De la part de Alan
  Envoyé : lundi 28 avril 2003 17:48
  À : College and University Technicians
  Objet : RE: Schimmel piano sound


  Funny you should ask this as I have one in my clientele that has the same
tonal qualities. I have done some shoulder needling that helped some. I'm
thinking more needling will help more. But I too wonder if this brittle
quality is an inherent part of the piano.

  Alan McCoy
    -----Original Message-----
    From: []On Behalf Of Ed
    Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 7:54 AM
    To: College and University Technicians
    Subject: Schimmel piano sound

    Dear Pros!
        Has anyone out there experience and opinions about voicing Schimmel
pianos, especially the 6'10" grand?
        My experience of these pianos amounts to 2 on the showroom floor.
They seem mechanically wonderful, but the sound leaves me cold. Brittle,
bright, no change of timbre.
        One of these is available at a price a teacher can afford, but it is
so far off from her ideals of sound that I hesitate to mention it.
        Can these pianos be made warm, rich, gentle on the ears in a small
        Thank you.
            Ed Sutton

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