room keys
Fri, 22 Aug 2003 13:53:59 EDT

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In a message dated 8/22/2003 12:16:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> Any other contract techs out there have a hard time getting rooms unlocked?
I have not any trouble getting doors unlocked, because I have my own set of 
keys, however, I have had trouble getting doors OPEN because of the humidity!  
(A new record has been set here...82% r.h. and 66 degrees F.)  If they're not 
going to budget money for Dampp-Chasers, I wish they'd at least provide a few 
bucks for a raincoat!

Happy tuning!
Sheila Hunter
(Cold and wet in the dungeon of the Fine Arts Center of Salem College, 
Winston-Salem, NC)

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