piano parts, etc

Alan McCoy amccoy@mail.ewu.edu
Thu, 28 Aug 2003 13:16:28 -0700

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How long is the course, ie how many classroom hours, and how many credits?
You have an outline of the course you'd be willing to share?

  -----Original Message-----
  From: caut-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:caut-bounces@ptg.org]On Behalf Of
  Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 8:17 AM
  To: caut@ptg.org
  Subject: piano parts, etc

  I've got the go ahead from our department chair to present a proposal to
the faculty curriculum committee for a piano course, which I'm calling
"Piano: It's Parts & Functions." I want to use the book by roughly that
name, but I don't have it. I need the author and publisher. Any one have
that book?


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