Well, if at first you don't succeed.... My favorite is the neanderthal stage tech who, when he heard it was time to remove the pedals (the piano was already on the skid on its side) simply grabbed the closest lyre propstick and pulled, breaking it cleanly in half. And don't even get me started on the dimbulb who actually --I kid you not-- opened the locked top of an S&S D by yanking so hard he left the lock bar behind, with its 8 lag screw ends poking up forlornly in mid-air with little wood crumblies and splinters still attached to them, still locked to the front stringer. I still wonder to this day why the lock didn't pull out instead-- the lock bar screw holes must have been close to being, but not quite stripped already, is all I can think. :-) Greg ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Nossaman" <RNossaman@cox.net> To: "College and University Technicians" <caut@ptg.org> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 3:35 PM Subject: Re: words technical w/piano question > > >Well, actually I've not seen that effect so as you'd notice because of the > >padded block that is placed under the lyre to enable removal of the bass > >side leg and on which the box pivots. I can see it happening if the block > >is bare wood, though. I assume that even with the padded block, a kind of > >very slight rounding of the left bottom edge of the box might occur given > >enough moves and enough time. > >Greg G. > > A pad sure helps. Unfortunately, the maintenance guys (Bobs?) aren't up to > speed on such niceties. Other subtleties escape them too. There was a > tremendous pair of matching dents between the lyre top plate (treble (up) > side) and the underside of the key bed where one of them tried to remove > the lyre, after taking out the screws, by driving a large screwdriver > between the two. Judging from the extent of the damage, he gave it his full > attention for some time. Pads? Nah - not these guys. > > Ron N > > _______________________________________________ > caut list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives >
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