This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ---------------------- multipart/mixed attachment Hola! (That's New Mexican for Aloha), My chair forwarded me this request from the NAMESU list (I think it's a listserv for music school/department administrators/chairs at state universities). Seemed like the sort of thing we ought to help out with. The actual "reply to" is NAMESU@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU Regards, Fred Sturm University of New Mexico Many of the larger NAMESU schools have full-time piano technicians, but for those of you who are smaller, like us in Hawaii, I have a question and a request. For a number of reasons too complicated to go into here, we have to go out to bid on a large contract to rebuild most of our Steinway practice room pianos. So, here are my questions. 1. How do you define rebuilding a piano in contractual language? And how do you contractually define and require excellent voicing after the mechanism has been rebuilt? Any help or advice you could give on these matters would be most appreciated. 2. Does any of you have a sample contract for bidding on a big piano rebuilding job? or know anyone else who does who would be willing to share it? The fax number here is 808-956-9657 or I could open most RTF or Microsoft attachments. Thank you and aloha to all. Leslie Wright ---------------------- multipart/mixed attachment An embedded message was scrubbed... From: John Miller <> Subject: [NAMESU] Question from Hawaii--Piano Rebuilding Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2003 09:22:51 -0600 Size: 4096 Url: ---------------------- multipart/mixed attachment--
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