---------------------- multipart/mixed attachment --part1_16.2c1f7f31.2b6f50de_alt_boundary In a message dated 2/2/2003 3:50:34 PM Pacific Standard Time, oleg-i@wanadoo.fr writes: > Subj: RE: Bearing difference on different soundboards > Date: 2/2/2003 3:50:34 PM Pacific Standard Time > From: <A HREF="mailto:oleg-i@wanadoo.fr">oleg-i@wanadoo.fr</A> > To: <A HREF="mailto:Erwinspiano@aol.com">Erwinspiano@aol.com</A> > Sent from the Internet > > > > I understand that if we see, for instance 1/4 inch crown from below the > board, that does not really mean that having 1/4 distance bearing at the > string rest will absorb the whole crown, it depends of the back string > length vs. the speaking length. > > >> >> >> >>That's right it won't absorb it all if there is an strength to resist. >> However in a very flexible board it could completely deflect under the >> load. >> >> Dale, I mean : >> >> If you have 1/4' crown , and you have 1/4" height difference at the rear >> string rest, even if the string became straight under tension, (defluxion >> absorbed) the board will not deflect 1/4", but less, because the 1/4" >> 'leverage' is divided by the string's length, anyway that was my idea and >> that make sense. >> So the static method explained by Nick Gravagne is OK, showing how to >> compute a maximum amount of down bearing , or distance bearing, in regard >> of the existing crown (taken rib by rib) and still having some security in >> regard of the possible collapse of the board. >> >> Just simple trigonometry in fact. >> >> But when it comes to try to obtain an even pressure computation, I >> understand it is another matter as the different angles of the bridge and >> its position on the board will change the whole picture and more change >> under the total pressure of the strings. >> >> I follow that to CAUT later, or you will ? >> >> then I will take the next posts from there so the thread will be open. >> >> Best crowned board to all. >> >> An accessory question was is the crown the most important parameter, or is >> it the internal tension and the frequency response(s) of the board ? >> >> Isaac OLEG >> >> > --part1_16.2c1f7f31.2b6f50de_alt_boundary An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/fa/31/d4/1c/attachment.htm --part1_16.2c1f7f31.2b6f50de_alt_boundary-- ---------------------- multipart/mixed attachment An embedded message was scrubbed... From: "Isaac OLEG" <oleg-i@wanadoo.fr> Subject: RE: Bearing difference on different soundboards Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 00:50:53 +0100 Size: 9508 Url: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/0b/54/13/97/attachment.eml ---------------------- multipart/mixed attachment--
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