---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment . Cans of worms indeed Conrad. The price will obviously vary from rebuilder to rebuilder. Some will do partial beely jobs other won't. I personally don't send out pianos less unstrung any more. WHich means if sent here. It would get bridges,block of your choice, A very better than factory plate finish. Aggraffe work or new ones. File capo. Rib crowned Sitka board. And strings. Price varyies with size of course. Figure 8-10 K plus shipping for ball park numbers. New keys Fron Rick Wheeler in plastic about $2500.oo. The retrofit would be alot of work but less with new keys. Dale Erwin > Re: Chickering > > I do not intend to make this my first/last soundboard/bridge replacement - > I don't have time, space or enough clamps for OJT soundboard work. What > would be a broad ballpark $ for having this done elsewhere? > > My gut feeling is that the keys/action/back action replacement would > probably present a whole case of worm cans. > Again, any $ ballpark for cost of new keys/frame/action/back action and > most likely variety of worms encountered in the retrofit? > > Re: Krakauer > > I asked bunches of questions a year ago when I first got the beastie, and > to replace the cracked square leg plates I've found that I can use the > round ones from ye olde Brambach by just routing out the square mortices. > (whew!) I've not done bridge recapping, other than the top section of the > > Chickering, but don't feel as intimidated as doing a s/b and/or action > replacement, plus I DO already have the tools I need. > > Reply off-list if you wish, particularly if you quote wholesale prices. > > Thanks. > > Conrad > hoffsoco@luther.edu > > Conrad Hoffsommer > > Early to rise: early to bed; > Makes a man healthy, and socially dead. > ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/7e/7f/37/e3/attachment.htm ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment--
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