Hi Jon, I'll be convinced when you go to a concert and notice that it is not ET but a WT. Unisons rule. Always have. Always will. At 08:16 PM 2/10/2003 -0500, you wrote: >For those of you who think that ET rules... > >The well know pianist did not notice that the piano was not in ET, only >that it was impeccably tuned. > Regards, Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T. mailto:pianotuna@accesscomm.ca http://us.geocities.com/drpt1948/ 3004 Grant Rd. REGINA, SK S4S 5G7 306-352-3620 or 1-888-29t-uner
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