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Jeff Tanner
Mon, 17 Feb 2003 12:39:21 -0500

No snow here today, but plenty of ice this morning (we did have about 3" a
month ago. there is snow about an hour north of us, their third snow of
2003).  My truck door was frozen shut.  Gotta go further south than this to
get out of the cold, and I haven't seen any vacancies in Florida.

>No, we re all out shoveling snow, at least in the east.  13  in
>Philadelphia at 8PM, and not going to stop snowing until sometime Monday
>afternoon. Could be the second largest snow storm in this area ever.  Any
>job openings in the south????!!!! I m ready.
>Dave Forman, Princeton, NJ

Jeff Tanner
Piano Technician
School of Music
813 Assembly ST
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208

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