8 beats seven ... with honorable mention to Del for terms relating to the cause of the phenomenon. Anyone got a 9-word string-breaking church? Susan At 07:23 PM 2/24/2003 -0500, you wrote: >My longest name (and it fit the rule) was, honestly, >Greater Good News Church of God in Christ >1965 Hobart Cable studio >The previous tech had gotten to the point of replacing the broken wound >strings with plain wire, sounds pretty funny in the single bass, I must say. >Ken Jankura RPT >Fayetteville PA > > > > > > Let's see -- the worst string-breaker (P202, both bass and treble wire) > > I've ever encountered: "East Side Church of God in Christ" = 7 words. > > > > Anyone have a longer name for a string-breaker? We could have a contest >... > > > > Susan > > > > >_______________________________________________ >caut list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives
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