I broke a string tuning a P22 which rode up the coil, but Yamaha wouldn't admit that was the case. They went back to the scale thing again. Seems like I've broken that same string on 2 or 3 P22s. Jeff >Yes, those early P202's did have troubles in the bass. Remember, it >was just after they took over the Everett factory. After breaking >two bass strings while tuning three very lightly used P202's at a >school, I looked, and saw that the string approached the coil at a >bad angle, so that it was trying to ride up where the coil first >started, especially for the lowest row of pins. > >This was before they sent out rescaled strings, but they certainly >got my attention by sending me a complete set of bass strings, gratis. Superb >service -- if only the design had been as good as the service reps! > >It all seemed so needless -- if they could just have drilled the >tuning pin holes so the pins leaned back at an angle, I doubt that >they would have broken any wire to speak of. > >Susan
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