John & Alan, My pdf files were on the CAUT website for some time but I felt they were on long enough and asked Scott to pull them. I assume David has sent you the files by now. Please open the Read_Me file first to get an idea of what I developed. I do some revising every year so what you will get is a bit out of date but the content is basically the same. I do not have the full Adobe program to keep the pdf's up to date. If anyone is interested, I have a very good course proposal outline that Newton Hunt developed back in 1988. I do not know if he took this curriculum any further. The file is in Word. Email me privately if you want a copy. The CAUT Committee has discussed developing a generic curriculum for such a course but other issues have been pressing. If anyone has a curriculum proposal please let us know. If anyone is willing to serve on a committee to develop a curriculum that would be the best way to go. Again, the CAUT Committee has a full plate just now so we would need several people willing to take this on. Don McKechnie
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