Talking about organs, I was made aware that organ builders have such a device that they use to tune organs (when their assistant is not there). It is strong enough to push the keys while the 3 keyboards play together, I guess there are no velocity orders, it is a simple device with a box to control it from some distance. They build it themselves with organ parts, or they can buy it ready. It works with solenoids, I was told that 2 kind exists, one with permanent current when in down position (less good) one with some kind of bascule It seems not very difficult to build, but the parts still may cost some money (around $1000 at last from what I understand) the wiring part and control box is the most difficult part probably. Best Regards, thanks for your ideas again. Isaac OLEG Isaac OLEG Entretien et réparation de pianos. PianoTech 17 rue de Choisy 94400 VITRY sur SEINE FRANCE tel : 033 01 47 18 06 98 fax : 033 01 47 18 06 90 cell: 06 60 42 58 77 > -----Message d'origine----- > De : []De la part de > Richard Moody > Envoyé : lundi 10 mars 2003 20:35 > À : College and University Technicians > Objet : Vorsetzer wanted > > > I never thought I would post a "me too" post but here it is. I > am also interested in obtaining a vorsetzer, a pneumatic pump > type. > I have a rare player reed organ (5? notes) to trade for it, or up > to $500 cash for something in original unrestored > condition. ----Richard Moody > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: Mary Schwendeman <> > To: <> > Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 10:04 AM > Subject: Vorsetzer > > > > Hi- > > > > I would be interested in purchasing a Vorsetzer. > > If anyone has one to sell, please email me privately. Thanks! > > Mary > > > > _______________________________________________ > > caut list info: > > > _______________________________________________ > caut list info: >
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