---------------------- multipart/mixed attachment Touch=E9 At 02:51 AM 3/14/2003, you wrote: >It's for me, not the next technician. I really only write the tuning >date and anything I did. Can't say I expend much energy, certainly >not as much as some who are printing out an invoice on their >portable printer at the customers home... > >David I. > >On 13 Mar 2003 at 22:10, Greg Newell wrote: > > > David and list, > > I've been pondering this for some time. Why do we, as > > technicians, > > feel compelled to place a card, service history chart or other such > > records or advertisements under the lid of uprights? Do we really > > believe that anyone ever sees them there? Don't we truly know that > > once we leave all the old pictures of the kids or the grandparents > > along with the decrepit fire hazard lamp and the leaking potted plant > > go directly back on top? Why do so many expend the energy, expense and > > time to be sure to leave "our mark" that no one sees except perhaps > > the next tuner after you? Is there anyone out there doing something > > different that they consider to be a better way? > > > > Greg > > > > P.S. no offense intended to anyone, but there simply must be a better > > way! > > > > > > > > At 06:26 PM 3/13/2003, you wrote: > > > > >List, > > > > > >I keep computer records but have been wanting to keep something > > >in pianos also...I found a plastic 3.5" floppy holder (packet of 5) > > >with adhesive backing. Peel off the backing and they adhere quite > > >nicely. They easily hold a small card or folded paper. This would > > >be especially helpful for institutions? I attach to bottom of music > > >rack on grands and inside music rack or lid of uprights. > > > > > >David I. > > >_______________________________________________ > > >caut list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives > > > > Greg Newell > > mailto:gnewell@ameritech.net > > > > >_______________________________________________ >caut list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives Greg Newell mailto:gnewell@ameritech.net=20 ---------------------- multipart/mixed attachment--
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