---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment In a message dated 3/28/03 9:34:57 PM !!!First Boot!!!, edoss@utm.edu writes: > One of our pianists is tall and he said he didn't like playing the SD-10 > because he couldn't get his legs under it. It was shorter than the > Steinways. I believe the weight of the grand pushes the three tips of the > truck closer to the floor, and consequently the middle of the truck bows > up. > > Has anyone run into this problem? Anyone encountered a short-legged SD-10? > One of the D's on our stage has a bowed truck. I tried solving this problem by taking the weight off the legs, and tightening the bolts on the center plate. But it didn't do the trick. The bolts that hold the little plates under each leg are about 1" from the floor. I don't think, however, that it lowers the keybed that much. I think we're only talking about an inch or so. The problem with the SD10 might be more than it just sitting a truck. If your pianist has a problem with putting his legs under the piano, it might not be because the piano is sitting on a truck. I wonder if it is because the keyframe is lower. If you have both pianos, check both measurements. There are two measurements. One is from the floor to the top of the keys. The other is the distance to the underside of the keyframe. It would seem to me that a pianist would feel the difference if the keys were not at the right height. But if one has longer legs, he would notice that there is no room under the piano. Does anyone have one of each, and can check this out? Wim ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/be/1f/9b/3d/attachment.htm ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment--
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