Pedal harps

Otto Keyes
Tue, 03 Feb 2004 08:52:18 -0800

Hey, anybody out there know of a pedal harp for sale at a reasonable price?
My 16 yr. old daughter is in need of a starter pedal harp.  I would prefer a
concert or semi-concert (46 or 47 strings) harp in reasonable condition.
However, since I do some harp work I would consider most anything -- but a
basket case will have to be REALLY cheap to be appealing.  (She does need to
be able to play this thing a bit before I retire! :-))

I would appreciate any information you could give me.  I'd like to have a
harp ready for her by graduation in the spring.  I'll follow up anything
that looks somewhat promising.  You can contact me off list if you wish.

Thanks for your help,


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